@JeremyCherfas yaaaay!!
@jws although every time i think about pregnancy this comic comes to mind because hilarious (not because i hit on pregnant women!)
@jws though honestly it's not as if artificial insemination or IVF aren't an option. they totally are.
@jws ahh yeah, interesting! i always wonder how the reproduction thing plays out in people's heads. like, all the women around me seem to be talking about BABIES all the time. but i don't feel like this is even representative of what all women actually think about (i think it's groupthink coming out). and so i don't know if the 'well i can't get you pregnant anyway' is a good thing because less anxiety about pregnancy or is bad because EVERYONE WANTS BABBY
Actually i kinda feel wrong writing a song about someone i'm not that into. maybe this has been my problem for the last 11 years. being 'not that into' anyone. O_o
@kdfrawg some of it is lack of confidence/low self-esteem/blah blah, and for some people it's that they're extremely picky or not very interested in others (my p roblem, but not my only problem), and for others … well, i think the vast majority of those 'pick up artist' and 'nice guy' assholes are actually personality disordered - so may or may not have had an abusive childhood with poor or no role modelling from the adults around them. but it's not the only reason i don't think
@kdfrawg I'm just amazed that anyone ever finds anyone haha. but lots of trans guys i know are in long term relationships
@kdfrawg and yet!
I always find it interesting when straight (non-trans) guys complain about not being able to meet women. not because i don't get why it would be hard for them to meet women- it's usually obvious from their personality (disorder)- but in a way that i had any success whatsoever at all. like, despite their boasting about their long term relationships and making fun of me for being perpetually single and bad at relationships, i was still one of the first of my group of friends at uni to love and be loved back properly. some of them still haven't experienced it, even now, 12 years later.