plus people's feelings about facial hair are so varied. One of my friends loves not having to shave much at all. Many of the trans guys I know are really hung up on something that not all guys regardless of birth sex or hormonal status are able to do anyway.

haha wow! I guess it goes to show just how different facial hair can work ?

half the time aren't they secretly also the same company? But yeah, they all look like pieces of soap


Another beard shot


the other part of it is not being sure if people would suddenly start getting my gender wrong again O_o

part of why I have a beard is laziness haha

nah I get bad razor burn unless I do a proper wet shave, which takes about 15 mins a day. And I'd probably need to shave daily. With a beard it's 2mins every 5 days or so with a beard trimmer

Gave the beard a much needed trim


@kdfrawg omg i know right.

@kdfrawg yeah very true. feeling obliged is a bit of a boner-killer. so to speak.