I think they did. i mean it's very early days of course but they disputed the random crap he was spouting about the 'millions' of people who attended his inauguration, with a variety of footage O_O



Trump's apparently starting to make an enemy out of mainstream right wing news. like Fox News, which is apparenlty 'mainstream' now.

@kdfrawg unless those natural tendencies get 'hacked' by people like Trump :(((((((((((((((

I honestly think it's best to keep a degree of redundancy around. o


thank god your list exists because I just had to reconstitute mine from scratch! because i fucked the wiki settings lolo


haha! depends on how big one's nose is

so it turns out that someone i know (who i think is wonderful) actually did a talk a few years back about breaking off her engagement and being openly gay. but single, and unable to marry (because australia sucks. it was a talk that was about gay marriage). and now she's with a guy. and idk, it's like seeing her back then… she was so confident and invigorated. she's still amazing and competent and cool now but in comparison… NQR. :(

Because the best place for a selfie is some random hotel bathroom


@kdfrawg yeah perhaps! a failsafe in case society goes mad?