Obviously my mum doesn't clean my house.

// @thrrgilag @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I'm not very good at cleaning at all. My mum is amazing, but a professional cleaner does all she does much quicker. However when my parents hired a professional cleaner briefly my mum didn't find it up to her standards!

// @thrrgilag

@kdfrawg indeed. Facebook and similar just exacerbate that trend in society. My family were probably fairly picture perfect on the surface aside from my brother's autism. But underneath, physical and emotional abuse, and my dad being a creep to me.

@kdfrawg I'm so stoked!

Also I'm glad cleaners make a decent wage, as well as being efficient. It is awesome for all!

// @thrrgilag

My dad is retiring (age 69.25) in march. He's physically fit and intellectually sharp and a grumpy narcissistic engineer. Me and my mum have told him he needs to pick up a hobby or social activity or volunteering or book club or something, because otherwise he will only garden, watch test matches, read the paper and go for walks, while berating my mum and everyone around for not being perfect. Sigh.

My approach will be that if he's really resistant to tell him about how staying active and mentally fit is a protective factor against dementia. He's kinda constantly worried he has dementia (unreasonably)

yeah I mean I don't but I'm sure people drink all kinds of drinks in all kinds of ways


@thrrgilag I know right!! I've found my way of dealing with this shit finally. After years of judgement for not doing it myself.

// @kdfrawg

I'm totally stoked. Hiring regular cleaning!

// @thrrgilag @kdfrawg

A weird observation if I may. We kind of have these ideas about "cute" and aesthetically pleasing kids and families. Stupid ideas. And judgement about people who seem unrefined. And I have these semi-conscious biases too I'm sure.

So I'm having breakfast in a hotel restaurant because it's probably one of the only places with air-conditioning. And next to me are a family who are not particularly aesthetic and not particularly refined. The little girl drops a glass. And the parents are so sensible and gentle and also loving. It's nice.