@kdfrawg she just didn't get it. But then there's so much stigma about professional help. Ugh.

@kdfrawg yeah, if they can even convince someone to marry them in the first place. But some do obviously!


@kdfrawg yeah I think you're right. Though guess what happened, my dad had anxiety problems a couple of years back and I said he should see a psychologist, he agreed and then MY MUM WHO IS GP vetoed it! Ffs.

@kdfrawg it's a basic human skill to be able to do things like cooking simple things and laundry I think. And to be able to live independently if needed. That said of course there are people who will struggle or need help because they aren't able to do the above (eg my brother needs a lot of help with finances, and I have friends with physical disabilities or severe mental illness). But my fellow doctors? Yeah wow.


@kdfrawg hahaha very true!


like… "threads"? And maybe have both the start and the last posted post in the thread?


@kdfrawg THIS

@kdfrawg haha yes! It's taken me so long!

@kdfrawg yeah I mean at the end of the day he's come so far. But his personality holds him back. On the other hand he was the parent who accepted me being at first gay and then transgender more than my mum.

@kdfrawg indeed. I don't have anything that's particularly disabling but even I get a lot of back pain from leaning over. So I really feel for you with the MS, it must be terrible
