@kdfrawg education has to be combined with cultural change in the workplace and at uni I think! Many people just don't apply the same standards to their colleagues as to their patients. Crazy. But part of it is inadequate sick leave cover so if you're off sick no one replaces you and everyone gets angry

@kdfrawg nods

@kdfrawg mine too. For me it's pathological and I'm needing to learn how to outsource and trust others and ask for favours

I suppose so?


@kdfrawg so crazy but even among health professionals people still perpetuate those ideas when judging their peers

@kdfrawg so crazy! Especially given the overlaps and interrelationships

@kdfrawg holy crap hugs

Yeah I left home at 17 to go to uni. Thankfully I only got into med school in a different country

@kdfrawg true dat. The history of psychiatry doesn't help either, nor the way psychologists are portrayed in the media, and the idea that seeking professional help or taking meds is "masking" things or a "crutch" (except people with a disability are allowed to have crutches?)

@kdfrawg what are your family like?

@kdfrawg eventually when I hammer away at something with my parents sometimes I get somewhere. But it's very hard work