@kdfrawg sounds about right! Long work hours and people who don't understand management and having a good workplace culture


Simple burnout, depression and chronic illness are stock standard in medicine, lol?

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg yeah, it's quite complicated. This year in particular the hospital has had a pretty extreme range of issues to deal with. Mental health, drug use, personality disorder, etc etc. I mean in a sense those things are always happening in medicine (it's a profession with a high rate of the above), but it's been a bad year (2016 I mean, new clinical year starts in feb)


@kdfrawg for medicine I suspect that means that j should refer onto a senior/HR (it's difficult to fire doctors, even when grossly underperforming- however we all have temporary contracts so… )


@kdfrawg all of what you just said ♥


@kdfrawg Omg I know right. What kind of life is that? It's dystopian for sure, and completely unenjoyable let alone how horrible the outcomes are



absolutely this.
Actually I was wondering whether it says anything about how to deal with problem employees? Like that 10% who no matter what you try to do are just either shit or insubordinate or whatever

// @kdfrawg

that's the main problem. Mediawiki is a right pain in the are. Actually after I made the page the first thing I thought was "why the hell didn't I do this on github"

omg, my management style is completely based on Taoism in fact that's the time I use it most!!!
I keep my underlings well fed and happy and they work hard as a result

// @kdfrawg