@kdfrawg ? super painful
@matigo then my father would demand that I do all the updates for it and refuse to learn how to do it himself
// @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg actually it's about even more than that. I told them that if I'm going to be investing in an apartment that they'll eventually live in when older (they put down the down payment and I pay the mortgage and the place is in my name which is a pretty good deal for me tbh) then they need to consider things like it being ground floor access or pet friendly because they need to maximise quality of life and accessibility. My mum likes having a cat. My dad went on a rant about how the cat can't be a deciding factor in where they live and muttered something about giving away the cat. So he's now bullied her into thinking she doesn't want a cat either. To be honest if he's going to be this selfish then he doesn't deserve a pet anyway. He was going on about my brother being a burden last night too. @matigo
@matigo LOL. Apparently my dad can't handle any kind of poop existing, or even accidentally looking at an animal's butt
// @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg yeah, but this is their 3rd cat, who is almost 9. It's a bizarre reason. Mainly it's that my dad can't be bothered cleaning cat litter so would rather leave it to anyone else, including my mum who currently has a shoulder injury