2/5 of my exams are done I guess. the next 2/5 (presuming I pass) will be in a couple of weeks. what a hell of a time it's been.
@hazardwarning my partner may or may not be able to have children herself as she's had chemo, so yes, it's possible that my reproductive organs may be of use some day. sorry you feel offended by that idea.
// @matigo
@hazardwarning wow thanks for your input on what i should and shouldn't do as a trans man.
// @matigo
@matigo actually even an in-browser alert would really help
// @variablepulserate
@matigo it's probably the single thing that makes it hard for me to keep up on here I guess. I remember someone had built a telegram integration for the old version which is something that would 100% work for me in lieu of a dedicated app. Or email notifications that you can opt into (i would opt-in). I'd definitely put up $ in support of a google app too.
// @variablepulserate