Watching a blowhard man make shit up to get a job over a woman with actual credentials, and then show himself to be entirely unprepared and unsuited, is not helping me feel better about my career. Maybe after he breaks everything, a woman will reluctantly be allowed to try to clean up after him.

@kdfrawg Time for a triple or quadruple standard!!!!


@kdfrawg definitely a break in the monotony


yes very true!!

geriatrics! ?

Kinda excited that I get to hang out with someone I have a crush on at this conference. But she's married and has a young child :O. But it's just a crush, so I think that's ok.

I want more pics of your giant pen!

// @kdfrawg

yeah I completely agree with you! I find the double standards really messed up

oh no not me posting pictures! gosh! i feel similarly which is why i'm not on FB, haha. I'm just wondering if the same laws apply to my chest as before, and what the public attitude generally is

question- are my manboobs NSFW as I haven't had chest surgery?