@kdfrawg ? ?

@kdfrawg I know right. Like it was traumatic for everyone including the staff. And xray exposure wtf


@kdfrawg me too! I wonder if there's a word for "I'm in Australia" dysthymic discombobulation

i had to go through a fucking TSA style thing when leaving Australia. At least the guy was pretty respectful and honest we were both as freaked out as each other

My niece is honestly the cutest.


"complete with a not so happy ending and a lingering feeling of distress"

@kdfrawg yeah you know the one thing I've completely failed to do is meet some actual nz people at this conference! But I've emailed the specialists union who gave me some ideas about who to contact to find out more. It sounds like people would be keen

@kdfrawg Sunday :((((((((((((((((((

@kdfrawg that's for sure!

@kdfrawg i have a tendency to overpack. i'm getting better though!