@kdfrawg so good!

@kdfrawg yeah totally agree!!! I was standing still for so long


And I appear to be having my first real feelings for someone in like maybe 10 years but it is absolutely the wrong person.

It's interesting looking back on things when you visit the places you were an adolescent, at the pain you had growing up. Except because I really like and relate to New Zealand and my friends and the culture are very normal, my emotional response is tempered. It's not like visiting Melbourne which is awful and traumatic. This trip has also been an opportunity to connect with and process the past

reply back back!

And I have my fingers crossed for you (and for the end of the agonising waiting period)

I once wrote a song about cunts. It went "cunts cunts cunts. Sing a song of cunts. Cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts." applicable.


aw noooo

@kdfrawg indeed! I'm starting to find words to describe how I feel