Yesterday I had the realisation that a lot of the conversations around "girl crush" and "bromance" are combined (deep down) with a intense sense of shame around the idea of being gay or bisexual. And I think over the years I've had people have crushes on me while concurrently feeling that sense of shame.

good to see you again! You're one of the first people I followed on ADN!

the site is available in wayback machine if worst comes to worst!

// @kdfrawg

very nice!!

I read that initially as being something from an MMO where you're training your pet ?


Well, of course a Google self-driving car would have Chrome wheels……

chrome wheels.jpg

Omg it's you!!!

interesting. I dream I'm about the age I am now or slightly younger, but that there's an issue wtih my medical registration that requires me to go back to high school and redo the subjects and resit the exams. but i always lose focus and fuck up :(


I don't think the concept was wrong, just the implementation could have been better, and I guess the biggest issue was monetisation. brands sort of have options with their social media 'dashboards' i guess.


remember when lifestream apps were a thing?
