I think perhaps best to focus on the next step that will get you a puppy without requiring deception or confrontation or ruminating on the past. Keep looking forward, not back- it sounds like they were positive about your chances elsewhere. The fact that you were able to bond with 4 possible dogs suggests to me that you'd be able to find a suitable dog elsewhere.

that's not an out and out rejection. You should just go to another shelter.

didn't they just suggest you ask a different shelter?

@kdfrawg indeed


? true!! I think we've had discrete sexual orientation categories for long enough that that side of things shouldn't matter. I think it's a mixture of religion, culture, ideas around sex being for procreation, traditionalism and the "other"

understandably. Hug


Hey 10Centurites, I'd like to share something with you - a first preview of API directory pages for my upcoming site CloudObjects.
I have created one for the 10Centuries API here: https://cloudobjects.io/10centuries.org/API
Apart from browsing requests and responses for the API methods you can also export Postman, Swagger and RDF formats!
Any feedback is highly appreciated, thanks :)

He lied on Twitter during a hearing about him lying on Twitter. He was live-lying the hearing. I’m honestly flabbergasted by this whole thing.

— Trevor Noah

Remember when the world made sense? I think I was 7 the last time it did, and that's primarily due to the ignorance of youth ?

? ?
