regarding 1) --- oh my goodness it is SO BAD. with the two recent examples in teh past week that I have, there's a combination of power differential as well as reasonably functional-seeming person paired with creepy or questionable person
regarding 2) --- UGH there is like NOTHING you can do. if you draw attention to it they just think you're pretending not to be into them. and I don't even understand why they think I'm into me anyway?!

I think fetishisation of 'the other' probably happens with most 'different' cultures- but Japan for some reason (particularly on the internet) seems to have really ended up as the focus of a lot of that 'wooo weird foreigners' shit. Perhaps because it's a gigantic economy with a modern but very much non-Western culture?
I guess SK's PPAP moment was Gangnam Style which I absolutely LOATHE


PPAP is only funny to me because it's a random non-sequitur that doesn't invade my every day life. If was everywhere i'd want to shoot myself haha


Awkward things:
1) really creepy combinations of workmates when hooking up O_o2) when someone thinks you have a (creepy) crush on them but actually you've never seen them in that way EVER


@skematica haha vomit


the people with the loud tinny and invariably shit 'music' on their phones are the worst IMO!


hehe cool! i'll probably stumble through and make something (eventually) that's semi usable :O

yum yum

also there's stuff in the design of 10c & pnut apis that is modelled on the adn api, so not so hard to transfer the ideas over
