you need a very fast, agile, active and evolving and multifaceted backend and API to facilitate the kind of rich apps and games that dalton was supposedly envisioning


yeah tha'ts another thing that really annoys me. like, they were marketing ADN as having this amaaaaaazing backend and API >_<


Yeah, it's kinda interesting that when you think about twitter, it originally started out with the intent of just being status messages that didn't have any direct interaction. it was only very late in the game when almost all the clients did @mentions that twitter adopted the convention- same with #hashtags and other features. and evidently ADN didn't learn that lesson. nor did they give enough examples of the potential applications of the 'platform as service'. but there were some app devs who did try - like patter, videochat and that early chess game




Heathrow is shit. and the staff are fucking rude



well i have at least two chins nyeh!

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg nice one!

// @

good work mf