Hahahaha! And their love of c64, early simpsons, nirvana….

bioinformatics is the biggest market for graph databases


yeah exactly



Graph db are optimised specifically for situations where the data has many many connections like a social graph or bioinformatics maps of gene interactions, where in an RDB you'd need to do hundreds of JOINs of huge tables. But for most purposes an RDB will do. I don't understand what nosql or mongodb and stuff do tho


Nope! Earlyish 80s

I'm an angry old man and I'm younger than all of ya!


I reckon eventually the future will be graph databases (note fb social graph is not a graph database) but for "small" numbers the usual type should still be ok (I'm guessing!)



// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg haha! Well time to get 3 chins
