

that is crazy


this. Here you could apply for the disability and carer pensions if needed, cash out superannuation if needed and all hospital and outpatient care and palliative care services including services in the home would be free


and yet the US thinks Japan is full of these weirdos. Ffs. I personally think "the greatest country in the world" is something out of a dystopian fantasy novel


// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg it's so nice to interact with normal people here I must say


my POV now is that basically twitter and fb are run by either the alt-right or very similar agents

also their algorithms and filtering. Also the community "standards" they enforce, including the censorship of a very peculiar choice of political topics and breastfeeding. But not hate speech!


yep. No community management, no purpose, no plan, no morals. Same with fb