Trump's behaviour (belligerent, hanging up halfway, giving different instructions to his team, the US government, the Australian government and TWITTER) to Australian PM Turnbull (leader of a right wing party, from a country and party known for xenophobia, racism, cruelty to refugees and minorities, conservativism, and slavish following of the US) demonstrates this is really amateur hour.

Maybe Bannon etc have a "master plan" but Trump himself is far to undisciplined and childish and unpredictable to execute anything

I think many are attracted to politics because they are as cut-throat and fucked up as the system is.


it gigantically creeps me out that these books are now seemingly being used as a blueprint for how to rule the masses



@kdfrawg yo!



Did either of you see Tony Robinson's[1917. Yes, Baldrick!] series on Australian history? Genuinely engaging, as is the man.

I think it's this: