@kdfrawg yeah basically. I don't think it's that she's actually bisexual. She was very clear in her talk. This is a story that's repeated so many times for so many gay women I know. I think there is so much pressure to conform to society, and in Australia there is no gay marriage and reproductive technology is available but adoption isn't or something. It's actually a very conservative and homophobic society when you compare with similar countries. Plus it's actually hard to find women to date! There is a lot of bullshit in the scene.

Anyway one of my bisexual friends got angry with me for my above perspective, saying something about "people judging gay women for hooking up with men" but that is her own shit, about feeling like she has something to prove as she's bi and hasn't had any long term relationships with women. I really should have countered with saying that when I was a lady, I was under the same pressures and it was pretty depressing when I ended up with a guy.