@kdfrawg I'm going to avoid them. If they talk to me that's fine I'll be pleasant and friendly but honestly it's not like they're well liked or have pull anyway.
@matigo oh no absolutely not. I mean if they were to calm the fuck down one would think parental attachment would help in a similar way to puppy attachment. As it is I wonder if they'd be nice enough to a doggo O_o
@matigo you'd hope so. But they both have more than one child and they still behave terribly
Just flew into NZ. Exhausted. Worried I'm going to run into the guy who accused me of underperforming due to testosterone and almost stuffed up my career. And the guy I did the exam with who was a real asshole. Both of whom got into this speciality while I didn't I guess. But more importantly just unpleasant individuals all round.
Need to go for a motorcycle test ride today and start getting finance and shit sorted. I think in the interests of time, I'll order a washing machine online instead of in person