Hi guys! sorry I haven't been around
@matigo ahh that's better!
> @tomas when was the last time you refreshed the browser? Could you do that and try again? :)
@bazbt3 Yep, totally agree. it's sad because we have what I think is a really nice community there :(. one good enough to try to fix it, try to make a new place too
> @tomas @matigo It's not if, it's when ADN falls. Something will break and someone will look at the effort and cost required to fix it - and make the decision to pull the plug. Advance notice may be given but I'm not holding my breath.In part it's why I made the tenuously-connected decision to crYeate my GitHub Pages alternative blog. I'd simply like a partial understanding of what it takes to set something up and maintain it. Yes I know it's not as complex as a social network - mine is the absolute fundamentals. It's something I've done previously and with far more complexity at my Mediawiki and previous personal sites, but this keeps me connected to stuff.Maybe this'll make no sense when I read it back to myself; I'll press the button anyw
@matigo some people will. at least the people who use nice and the people who are friends with you
@matigo I know what you mean. having a real alternative though is important for the if/when :(
> @tomas the ADN bridge is sort of bad, though. It'll be like IFTTT or PourOver. NiceRank will not count it as an interactive app. That said … the community has shrunk quite a bit in the last six weeks -_-
@matigo bwahahaha
> Oh, right … @tomcat is actually @tomas. See … I need to get an autocomplete thing going on here so I look like less of a fool =_=