Just saw a woman walking her ~10yr old daughter on a leash…

New Post: A productive day (yesterday) [drtomas.10centuries.org]

@kdfrawg haha yes fair

@kdfrawg ohhhh. But what if the person's problem is narcissistic attitudes

@kdfrawg we're super lucky the big boss ? is super sensible

@kdfrawg I wouldn't have the first idea how to sort such a situation out other than to tell people off every time they do something outside the bounds of basic professional behaviour…

@kdfrawg also DM

@kdfrawg it is. Quite aside from ? there are significant differences and clashes between both guys that really are not that surprising at all. But this adds an extra personal dimension I think

@kdfrawg it makes sense of why those two ?? hate each other so much that they've formed factions. It's sheer jealousy from an imagined rivalry. But in reality she ? is clearly not interested in either of them in that way and just wishes people would stop playing politics. Oh, don't let me forget to remind everyone that all 3 of the above people are in long term relationships… I think it's a symptom of systemic unhappiness and an extra high rate of sexism here honestly. Under those circumstances escapism in the form of inappropriate romantic advances becomes normalised. I won't lie, it's been getting to me and giving me an unexpected work crush too.

New Post: Eyes [drtomas.10centuries.org]