@sumudu it's a pretty trip on the train but it is quite far so i would suggest flying. lots of cheap flights
@streakmachine sometimes i'm sad that i'm not related to graddnos but then i remember that maybe i can be reincarnated!
@matigo anyway a couple of the ID office ladies were like 'haha you're clearly in the right place for prescriptions!' and I SWEAR a couple of the ID docs looked at me as if I was gonna just treat myself with antibiotics for a viral infection or something LOL.
Note: last year I held off antibiotics after I was sick with the flu for 2 weeks as recommended and developed laryngotracheitis, bilateral tonsillitis and bilateral otitis media and was super sick. and I've had recurrent bacterial tonsillitis a number of times so I'm going to wait until early next week and make a decision about antis.