:D indeed!

but also… idk… seriously just not in any way enjoyable

yeah, offensive AND boring. offensively boring.

yep! what's sad is that in 2004 when 4chan started i was a lurker there and although most/much of it was profane, ridiculous, illegal etc, it was actually entertaining and clever a lot of the time. now it's just a boring drudgery of boring trolling. like, bigotry and anime aren't particularly interesting or new? wow, you're posting nazi lolis and calling people subhumans. not inventive

hahaha. took me a moment!

Tried mastodon. But the public timeline has other gnu social people that other users follow, which includes a bunch of not particularly clever or amusing bigot-trolls with anime avatars posting nazi loli at "subhumans". Yay internet!


Bayes theorem is fundamental to the practice of medicine but so few doctors understand it



I usually don't like The Atlantic, but I quite enjoyed this read. And i have an innate dislike of this particular kind of movie (dead poets soc) wherein we're kind of manipulated to feel things about an 'inspiring' story. ugh. http://theatln.tc/2d1Kd3q