@kdfrawg it's true. I didn't realise how much stuff. Sometimes I forget. Also because, well, since hormones my stress anxiety and depression levels are pretty much always normal despite the crazy shit in my life so evidently I compensate reasonably well. But doesn't mean I don't get down or stressed from time to time

@kdfrawg it's disgusting. This is why people don't get help, and why people kill themselves.

indeed. I I think people under severe acute stress feel sometimes like they have no way out. There usually is a way out that isn't death

@kdfrawg yeah. I sleep so poorly on night shift. But I've been feeling generally a bit sad.

Oooh lovely update, people at work making really fucking off comments about how the suicide people must have had mental illness, when I said actually the evidence suggests otherwise, sarcastic remarks about "Well I won't top myself if you talk about it"


it's always been high among doctors but this is two registrars in Sydney in 3 weeks



so sad

Holy crap another doctor committed suicide