@jws and you realised you had an issue I think is the main thing. I have the same thing, even now I sometimes have to write down my feelings and why I feel them
// @matigo @jasonechols
@jws and you realised you had an issue I think is the main thing. I have the same thing, even now I sometimes have to write down my feelings and why I feel them
// @matigo @jasonechols
@matigo yeah I know right. If you confront them they pull out a completely random reason for being angry that actually has nothing to do with why they're really angry
// @jws @jasonechols
@matigo oh gosh! Well that's certainly a challenge. They sound a bit precious.
Work is starting to improve now that I'm getting the hang of things but I'm still not good at communicating with passive aggressive people
// @jws @jasonechols